Ideas about Climate Justice
(Title in original: Idéer om Klimaretfærdighed)
Christian Olaf Christiansen & Oliver Bugge Hunt, “Idéer om Klimaretfærdighed,” in Jakob Bek-Thomsen & Mikkel Thorup (eds.), Klimaets Idéhistorie [Intellectual History of the Climate], Aarhus: Baggrund, 2021, 81-96.
Link here
(Photo by Chris LeBoutillier on Unsplash)
Ideas about Climate Justice
(Title in original: Idéer om Klimaretfærdighed)
Christian Olaf Christiansen & Oliver Bugge Hunt, “Idéer om Klimaretfærdighed,” in Jakob Bek-Thomsen & Mikkel Thorup (eds.), Klimaets Idéhistorie [Intellectual History of the Climate], Aarhus: Baggrund, 2021, 81-96.
Link here
(Photo by Chris LeBoutillier on Unsplash)